The Genetaska Club of Rochester, formerly “ladies of Kiwanis,” (before women were allowed to join that international service organization) can be traced back 69 years. Genetaska is a Native American word for “helping hands”. The local Club was the largest but now is the only remaining Genetaska Club anywhere. The Club today has over 100 members from all over Monroe County, and is still going strong. We have a luncheon meeting (at various local restaurants) on the third Wednesday of every month at various locations in the Rochester area, year-round.
The Rochester Club helps dozens of local charities each year. Last year alone, we spent more than $16,000 helping local charities. We find out what organization or schools need help by contacting the directors of various boards, and then select one charity per month to help. Each charity is contacted to determine what items they need, and members are asked to bring these specific items to our monthly luncheons after which we deliver them to the charity. We’ve supported schools and charities such as Alternatives for Battered Women, Angels of Mercy, the Irondequoit Community Cupboard, St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality, the School of the Holy Childhood, and Wilson Commencement Park, just to name a few. We also collect money from members every month to purchase hats and mittens for students at two Rochester city schools.
The Club holds several major fundraisers each year: two card parties, a Fashion Show and a Bake & Raffle Sale. Proceeds from these fundraisers are the only ones given in cash form to two charities that have been carefully selected, such as Wounded Warriors, St. Joseph's Neighborhood and Mercy Flight Central. We also host two day trips a year as additional fundraisers. The proceeds from these are non-monetary gifts, but we do buy or pay for things that a charity has requested. For example, we purchased a washer and dryer for a hospice home; a harness and food for a blind person’s seeing-eye dog; and a stove for a family in need. We send two children from Hope Hall to summer camp each year; donate cases of peanut butter and jelly to various food cupboards; and send children to Red Wings games. We have also provided 30 food baskets to needy families at Thanksgiving time, and distributed twenty $100 Walmart gift certificates each December.
We are always looking for new members; if you're interested in joining simply click on the "Membership Form" at the top of the page and send the completed form to the name & address at the bottom. We welcome all women in the Greater Rochester area!